Saturday 27 October 2012

Galaxy Flyby!

Galaxy Flyby by Hydar Games.

Our new game has just been released on Chrome Web Store!

Play it for FREE with no strings attached on PC or any Android Device.

Chrome Web Store : Galaxy Flyby on Chrome Web Store

Google Play : Galaxy Flyby on Google Play

Remember to rate the game if you liked it and drop a comment if you have any feedback.

Game Details:

Galaxy Flyby is a game where it tests you on the fight or flight response in an interactive action space shooter

Genre: Arcade, Action, Space Shooter, Survival

Objective: Find your way home. Energy is your only resource. Upon 0%, the ship can no longer sustain itself and will explode. Obtain energy by flying into high orbit over planets. Be careful, planets in this region are hostile and will fire upon your ship. If you find the situation too challenging, you may opt to warp away for a more favourable situation.

Note: In orbit mode, all ground forces has to be destroyed and the planet energy is either drained or your ship is 100% charged to leave orbit

The game is a test on your fight or flight response.

Game Features:
- Detailed personal score sheet up to 10 previous high scores.
- Normal Mode: 10 warps/levels
- Survival Mode: Infinite gameplay
- Awesome WebGL effects
- Bonus: Interactive Menu, click on the enemy ships to find out!

Player Controls:
In Main Game: 
Arrow keys for movement. 
Spacebar to shoot primary cannon. 
Control to launch bombs (with splash damage). 

In Orbit:
Up/Down Arrow key to adjust orbit height
Space to launch planetary bombs

 Main Menu Screen
(try clicking on the ships to see what happens)

 Comes with personal Highscore screen.

 Ingame Screenshot of player in action!